Jardí "Not Quite Earl Grey" Crunch Bites

Subtle Crunch + White Chocolate = Deliciously Addicting! White chocolate covered crunchy puffed corn cereal finished off with Earl Grey Tea (black tea and Bergamot) for a treat that's hard to describe but even harder to put down.

JARDÍ Chocolates was started in 2015 by Pastry Chef Jocelyn Gragg. After graduating from the Culinary Institute of America's Hyde Park campus, she began her professional life in some of the best fine dining restaurants in the south such as The Ocean Room at Kiawah Island, The Georgian Room at Sea Island, and Restaurant Eugene in Atlanta. While in these hubs of creativity, and inspired by the chefs of each, she created desserts using fresh, local ingredients in unique flavor combinations that would wow her guests. Restaurants were where she always felt at home. She was surprised, therefore, to be so inspired by a stage (french for internship) in a chocolate shop in Pennsylvania. After leaving Restaurant Eugene in 2015, she decided, along with her husband Jacob Gragg, to open a chocolate shop in Atlanta and bring the same dedication and wow-factor to the world of chocolates.